Ron Erwin

Ron Erwin is a nature photographer and digital artist.

For over 30 years Ron’s photos have been published in magazines, calendars, books and corporate interiors.

His work ranges from traditional landscapes and wildlife to more experimental work including digital composites. 

In 2001, he became a full time faculty member of the School of Creative Arts and Animation at Seneca College in Toronto. During his career with Seneca, he coordinated the Digital Media Arts Program, created the Art Fundamentals Program, and created/coordinated the Independent Digital Photography Program at the Seneca@York campus. He also taught digital imaging and photography in several Seneca programs.

Ron retired from Seneca in 2019.  In 2020 he moved to Picton with his wife Lori.  Together they wander the County and beyond in search of images and adventure.

“I am driven by curiosity and a fascination of light. The natural world provides endless possibilities to learn and grow. When I’m engaged with a subject, time is suspended and all the noises in my head are silent.”

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